Traktionssysteme Austria GmbH

Traktionssysteme Austria GmbH

Traktionssysteme Austria (TSA) is an Austrian company at a location rich in tradition. For 60 years, the former Brown Boveri plant in Wiener Neudorf has been manufacturing traction drives for electrically powered rail and road vehicles for 60 years. Which are in reliable and powerful in use all over the world. In 2020, the 578 employees generated a turnover of around 120.5 million euros. More than 59,300 machines were delivered.

As in all areas of planning, transparency is perhaps the most important prerequisite for efficient and successful work for colleagues who are responsible for the provision of materials.

Be it in purchasing for production or for the organization of supplies: Information not only about required materials, quantities and deadlines, but also about interrelationships and influences is crucial. They make it possible to assess priorities on a daily basis in line with the situation

Project-related perspective for purchasing

The right starting point for looking at all currently important conflicts can, depending on the issue, lead to the desired information more quickly. One such starting point is an overview of all current and upcoming projects or customer orders in the plant, in which various types of conflict are calculated and displayed at a rough, summarized level.

Projects that require action are thus quickly identified and can be evaluated by jumping to specific missing parts lists. The tooltip function also provides a quick overview of the affected materials. The basis for the calculation of alarms is the analysis of the complete material flow for a project or order, regardless of whether make-to-order production, or a combination of these are used.

In the specific example for TSA, these overviews are available both as a flat list for each sales order division and structured according to the linked project number and a corresponding conflict summary. The availability checks in these lists have been deliberately reduced to the essential alarms in order to provide a quick overview. In addition to the analysis of purchased parts for parts for production and supplier provisions, this also includes statements on the availability of customer provisions and reports on checks in incoming goods, of which the project and its production stages depend.

A more detailed statement on the availabilities is provided by the actual bill of materials or missing parts list, which can be called up globally for all missing parts in the planning period, for each project, each sub-chain in production and for each individual planned and production order. Depending on whether production has already started, is imminent or is planned for the future, different types of availability check are relevant.

These separately displayed alarms include checking stock availability in the plant or whether all required receipts have already been confirmed by the supplier. Quantities in the quality check or the influence of safety stocks can also be included in the alarms in a differentiated manner, and recognizing shortages can of course only be a first step. Further information is required in order to evaluate such a missing part appropriately. First of all, of course, a statement of how long the delay is already and when the material will be needed. The replenishment time is also taken into account here. Can the requirement still be covered in time by initiating or adjusting the procurement? Or will there be a delay that makes it necessary to reschedule production? In addition, the user is also shown which objects are actually responsible for the coverage.

For example, a requirement may appear in the shortage list because there is no object to cover it or because there is only one purchase requisition that was not converted into a purchase order in time. In addition, there are unconfirmed purchase orders from the supplier which already violate the replenishment lead time.

Last but not least, to get a complete picture of a situation, it is essential to know where the demand is coming from. How many projects are affected? Where are these projects located and how would a delay affect them? Which customers need to be notified in the event of a delay?

But also: Are there perhaps already other delays in the course of the project, so that the originally planned deadlines may no longer be relevant? It is precisely these possibilities of showing correlations that you have in the software with simple clicks.

Management of provisions

When it comes to keeping an eye on the availability of materials provided to suppliers, the same information is required that plays a role in purchasing for production. Regardless of whether the materials are procured externally or produced in-house. A missing parts list is therefore also available for these items. The special feature of the evaluation of these requirements is the separate consideration of the MRP areas of the supplier with its provided stock on the one hand and its own plant on the other. Both aspects are relevant when classifying a shortage. If a requirement is not covered by the stock provided by the supplier or planned receipts there, an additional check must be carried out. Is the missing quantity already available in the plant stock? Is there a dependency on planned production or purchases at plant level? Only by considering these areas together can the resulting delay and the forecast availability date be determined.

Orders that include provisions are generally not assigned to a specific project or customer order. This makes it all the more important to have a quick overview of all project numbers indirectly affected by the shortage in this shortage list. Detailed information is also provided here by a jump to the production chains determined by the material flow. This also provides full transparency regarding all correlations and influences for the provisions.

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Would you like to know more about our solutions? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Martin Kohl
Sales Team Germanedge

Manage assets and equipment

Maintaining values

Technical devices, be they fire alarms, elevators, notebooks, laboratory equipment, pumps or entire plants and power stations, should not only function smoothly; they must also pay off on the bottom line. In addition, their operation must not violate applicable laws, directives or occupational health and safety and environmental regulations.

Synoset helps with this: the software structures, controls and enables the monitoring of all asset-related activities. A cost-benefit analysis of the assets is possible down to device level. The software provides a database that helps you to identify potential risks at an early stage so that you can take targeted countermeasures, allowing you to manage assets and equipment simply and efficiently.

Industry Asset Management
Mobile access at any time


Hierarchical recording of objects/devices of all kinds. Optionally with manufacturer, type, serial number, location, etc.

Contract management

Recording of contracts with suppliers. Terms etc.



For warranty and maintenance periods, contract terminations, monitoring


Overview - My account

Personal account statement with assigned assets and services.

Business data

Owner, customer, holder, department, account assignment, contract numbers, etc.

Cost allocation

Source-related cost allocation in group structures.


Revision security

Logging of changes in accordance with FDA 21 CFR 11, ISO 22000, etc.


Flexible processes

Paperless processing through the use of digital workflows. Electronic storage of documents and checklists.

Fast processes

Use of barcode & RFID scanners for data capture or asset identification

Deadlines at a glance

Synoset stores when a device/system was purchased or rented, which warranty periods and service levels (SLA) have been agreed with the supplier and when the next scheduled inspection and maintenance interval is due. Thanks to active resubmissions, you never miss a deadline and are always on the safe side when it comes to legal requirements or deadlines.

Internal and external cost allocation

Synoset supports you in defining and invoicing technical services – regardless of whether they are provided for internal or external customers.

Cost-benefit analysis

Would you like to know whether the operation of a device or system is worthwhile? Synoset’s “Asset Explorer” provides you with a detailed overview of your assets and operating costs, broken down by user, department, system or location.

Efficient, paperless workflows

With Synoset, digital documents and information can be assigned precisely to the departments that need to process them within the scope of operational processes.

The system maps workflows electronically and assigns deadlines to tasks and process steps so that you can monitor response times. It is also possible to regulate substitutes within the workflows. Synoset thus ensures fast and reliable processes.

Audit-proof documentation and archiving

All data is recorded and archived in an audit-proof manner. Thanks to Synoset’s close integration with common document management systems, changes are updated on an ongoing basis. The system supports you in complying with relevant industry norms and standards such as FDA CFR, ISO and ITIL, etc.

On all devices in all languages

Regardless of whether your IT infrastructure consists of Windows computers, Apple devices or smartphones with Android, Synoset can be used on all platforms. The software already supports a large number of languages. In addition to German and English and many European languages, Chinese, for example, is also available as a language package. Practically any language is possible on request.

Very easy to use

Synoset is optimized for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Operation at the swipe of a finger via self-explanatory icons. The graphical user guidance makes Synoset intuitive to use, even for semi-skilled or less tech-savvy users.

Get in touch!

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Christoph Schiffer
Sales Team Germanedge

Global asset management helps to meet critical infrastructure requirements

Critical infrastructures (“CRITIS”) are subject to special rules within the EU, such as the NIS Directive. In order to comply with these rules, and indeed to have an overview of all assets that fall under these rules, it makes sense to use a global enterprise asset management system.

With NIS 2, the EU will significantly expand its list of “critical infrastructures” (“CRITIS”) in the future. Companies that fall within the scope of the directive will, for example, have to record, manage and document all of their automation and security-related OT (operational technology).

A global enterprise asset management system in which data, dependencies, workflows and access authorizations are maintained in an object-oriented manner, i.e. in relation to each individual asset, has proven to be useful in numerous use cases. Several objectives can be achieved with such a tool:

  • Process security, i.e. ensuring reliable and stable running systems
  • Compliance with the NIS Directive and national legal requirements
  • Passing audits
  • Rapid processing of incidents and security problems

Overview, structure, documentation

Especially in the automation and control technology (OT) of industrial companies, there is often a lack of overview, structure and documentation. Neither are all hardware and software components, network participants and dependencies known, nor is there clarity about the up-to-dateness of operating systems, the assignment of authorizations or the allocation of IP addresses and much more. The complexity of a company’s technical operations cannot be mapped in conventional Excel lists, let alone kept track of.

Openness of the system, object-driven structure

As a company’s technical infrastructure is usually individual, an asset management system must in principle be open to everything, but still provide a clear structure and a good overview. Our system focuses on the object – be it machine XY or laptop XZ. Each object is first recorded with the most important basics – e.g. model, year of manufacture, serial number.

It is then enriched with extensive detailed information, such as responsibilities, dependencies and other metadata. This creates an agile object structure that provides a global overview of all technical assets and enables active monitoring of inspection, maintenance and warranty periods. Our asset management system remains responsive even with very large volumes of data – millions of objects/assets.

Your added value

  • More transparency. Your employees get an overview of all assets and can see everything they are authorized to see
  • More simplicity. Our system removes complexity. Employees only receive the information they need to continue working effectively. Everything else is hidden.
  • Less workload. Extensive automation streamlines and accelerates processes. The system does what can no longer be done manually.
  • More sustainability. Once the process chain has been defined, deadlines are adhered to. Process reliability through multi-stage approvals.
  • More legal certainty. EU regulations are stored and compliance is supported by global asset management

Get in touch!

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Christoph Schiffer
Sales Team Germanedge

Cleanliness and food inspections in supermarkets

Cleanliness and food inspections in supermarkets are extremely important, as a lack of cleanliness not only leads to image problems, it also puts customers and employees at risk. To avoid this, inspections are carried out at regular intervals. However, these inspections are often documented on paper, which slows down the process and leads to unnecessary costs.

Our customers rely on our combination of asset, service and checklist management, including reporting options, to carry out all inspections reliably and document them at the same time. The entire inspection process is supported by our electronic checklists. This begins with the creation of recurring inspection tasks, which are automatically escalated via email. It continues with the execution of the inspection and documentation and ends with the creation of further tasks to rectify defects and update reports.

Inspection processes using checklists

Within the checklist, certain fields such as the name of the inspector, date and time of the inspection are automatically set so that time is saved and no incorrect entries are made.

The different areas are then checked and problems can be quickly documented and photos of problems can be taken using simple touch operation. You can provide the inspector with various types of assistance via image overlays.

During inspections, temperature violations at counters, for example, can be stored directly with rules in the checklist. For example, when an entry is made, a further task to check the counter is created directly for the service technician. The technician can then take care of the problem by a certain time, otherwise it is escalated automatically.

Reporting and reviews

By using a digital solution, it is only a small step to turn individual completed inspection reports into clear and comprehensive reports. This helps to quickly understand the correlations between individual inspections and to derive appropriate measures, so that cleanliness and food inspections in supermarkets can be carried out quickly.

Typical evaluations in this context are how many inspections were carried out in a period of time with how many defects were discovered or whether there are particularly frequent anomalies in an area. If, for example, the number of defects increases or stagnates over time, you should adapt your processes. Cross-location evaluations are also possible; if location A uses a different cooling system to location B, the number of associated problems will probably also differ.

Filling out dynamic checklists by touch

User-friendly control of the protocol by touch, directly with dynamic changes in the document and color support. If a problem has occurred, for example, the form expands to include a comment line.

Input options range from simple radio buttons and drop-downs to free text fields and signatures

Documentation of errors with image

A picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why many of our customers use the option of taking photos directly in the checklist to better document any problems that occur.

  • Simply click on the photo function
  • Possibility to draw directly in the captured image
  • Image is displayed directly in the inspection report

Reporting options

Requirements and recurring duties can be transferred to responsible employees for processing using checklists.

  • Visualization of measurements
  • Display of process limits and exceedances
  • Automatic calculation of trends

Various types of visualization

Here, for example, is a bar chart showing how many inspections were carried out by location and how many of them were deemed to have been passed. This gives you a quick insight into how the locations compare with each other and allows you to identify differences.

Cross-location reports

Here, for example, is an evaluation of the microbiological findings. Which areas show problems particularly often across locations? Where does it make sense to think about cross-site measures?

Search for inspections already carried out

A wide range of search options to find individual inspections carried out, for example in a specific period, by a specific inspector, even a direct search for entered answers is possible.

Get in touch!

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Christoph Schiffer
Sales Team Germanedge

Management and maintenance using the example of wind farms

The management of wind farms is very complex. On the one hand, there is the complete asset maintenance with master data management, parcel management, contract management with terms, deadlines and different shareholdings. On the other hand, there is the maintenance process for each individual wind turbine with defects and their rectification. In many places, this is still documented on paper, which ensures neither audit-proof archiving nor efficient forwarding of information.

Management of all asset information

A wide variety of information must be managed for a wind turbine:

  • Information on the wind turbine such as company data, contact details of the manufacturer, shareholders, manuals, parts, maintenance cycles, location
  • Information on the plot of land on which the wind turbine is located, dimensions and location, owner and lease agreements, sometimes with the involvement of different people
  • Contracts for the use of the wind turbine with contractual partners and deadlines

Everything is documented in our software and if input options are missing, either the customer or we can add fields.

When a contract expires, for example, our software automatically reminds you by e-mail.

Complex maintenance process

We can support you throughout the entire maintenance process with our customizable forms and workflows. This starts with the registration at the control center with signature directly in the document, continues with all inspections at the wind turbine and ends with the subsequent logout at the control center. In addition, all inspection points are stored in our solution in an audit-proof manner. If certain points are marked as being out of order, a photo of the problem can be taken directly on site. The problem is then used as a ticket in our system or, for example, an email with a list of defects is sent. The problem-solving process is also documented using checklists so that you always have a history of problems that have occurred and how they were resolved. In addition, it is always possible to see which defects still exist in which wind turbines.

A particularly practical feature for our customers is that many changes to the inspection report can be made without any programming knowledge using our simple drag-and-drop Checkware Designer.

Management of wind farms:

Asset information on individual wind turbines

A wide variety of information is maintained, so the mask can be restricted or expanded at any time.

Inspection report with general information

Certain information can be preloaded from the asset mask or filled in automatically when connected to the Internet, such as the name of the inspector by the user name.

Processing of all points

Dynamic expansion of the checklist depending on whether items are OK or not:

  • Use of mandatory fields
  • Display of information via pop-up
  • Possibility to take pictures directly in the checklist

Clear list of defects

All documented defects can be clearly displayed at the end of the checklist, and the documented photos can also be displayed here.

  • Processing via “app”, even offline
  • Forwarding of defects, e.g. by email or as an additional task in our system
  • Storage of the inspection report directly on the asset

Synoset with notification and requirement management

  • Status of all conditions and notifications at a glance
  • Attachment of documents, links and comments to operating objects (“Digital Twin”)
  • Mapping of all inspection processes, i.e. single inspections, cycles and random samples
  • Derivation of activities to be carried out via tasks, checklists or tickets
  • Verification and documentation of compliance with important requirements
  • Integration of service providers if external support is required for inspections
  • Audit-proof storage of all information with versioning

Get in touch!

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Christoph Schiffer
Sales Team Germanedge

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