Deep Dive content for download

Do you want the all-round information package on the future of production or solutions from Germanedge? Here you can download expert knowledge on various topics!

CIO Deep Dive Paper specifically for digital industrial production

Everything is cloud: The intelligent production of the future

Would you like to learn how you need to optimize your production in the future and which SaaS and PaaS elements will help you? The topics of our CIO paper are:

  • Myths and challenges of moving to the cloud
  • The role of intelligent analytics
  • End-to-end digitization thanks to SaaS and PaaS
  • Platform-based production IT: From sales planning to the production line, everything in perfect flow

Deep Dive Paper specifically for digital industrial production

Connected Worker: Higher efficiency in the digital production of the future

Do you want to find out how you need to prepare today for the factory of the future and, above all, the changed work on the production floor? The topics of our deep dive paper are:

  • How is the way of working changing for production workers in Industry 4.0?
  • The Role of the Connected Worker: Connectedness in 4 Dimensions
  • 10 aspects make documentation a problem – and how to address them
  • Intelligent software solutions adapted to the Connected Worker

Deep Dive Paper specifically for digital industrial production

How to avoid unscheduled plant shutdowns as a pitfall

Would you like to learn how you can increase your production efficiency and avoid plant downtimes? The topics of our deep dive paper for production and maintenance managers are:

  • Higher production efficiency & lower costs: How unplanned plant shutdowns no longer become a pitfall.
  • Expensive and inefficient: The consequential problems of an unplanned plant shutdown
  • Prevent unplanned plant shutdowns with intelligent maintenance management
  • Reduce downtime and track products thanks to MES

Deep Dive Paper specifically for digital industrial production

Batch size 1: How to remain efficient in your quality management

Would you like to learn how you need to design your quality management optimally in order to be able to maintain production in flow with assured quality assurance? The topics of our deep dive paper for quality managers are:

  • Batch size 1: How to remain efficient in your quality management
  • What impact does changing consumer behavior have on production and quality management?
  • The most important challenge in the daily work of a quality manager.
  • How can holistic quality management be implemented?
  • The role of centralized data management

Deep Dive Paper for supply chain managers in the industrial production

How to set the right priorities in your small batch production!

Would you like to learn how a reliable, efficient supply chain can be implemented for your industrial production? The topics of our paper for supply chain managers are:

  • What does successful, future-oriented supply chain management involve?
  • The most important external parameters for your SCM of the future
  • Digital supply chain twin as the model of the future
  • The role of intelligent data management


The car of the future will come from the Industrial Cloud

Would you like to find out what tomorrow’s automotive production will look like and what to look out for? Find out in our CIO expert whitepaper focusing on these topics:

  • Big data, digital twins and the cloud: these 3 trends are reshaping automotive production
  • Move to the cloud: how the industrial cloud is changing the future of production
  • From shop floor to single part supplier: end-to-end digitalisation: thanks to future-oriented PaaS


What production and maintenance managers must pay attention to now in the automotive production

Would you like to learn what the transformation of automotive production means for production managers and maintenance managers? Download now our expert whitepaper with these important topics:

  • Automotive Industry 4.0: these are 3 trends you should keep an eye on!
  • Climate change and e-mobility: generate business value from market changes!
  • Good old days or brave new world? How to tap the full potential of your production facility!
  • Your production perfectly in flow with MES software


What the transformation of automotive production means for quality management

Would you like to learn what the change in automotive production means for quality management for you? Then we have the right reading for you. In our expert whitepaper you will find out:

  • E-mobility and increasingly demanding customer wishes: what the increasing number of vehicle variants means for quality management
  • Brave new world: what big data and AI have to do with quality standards
  • Quality 4.0: master challenges now and in the future with our quality management software


How to continue to deliver in disruptive times: SCM Whitepaper specifically for the Automotive Industry

Would you like to learn how you need to optimize your supply chain and planning to be prepared at all times? Then we have the right reading for you. The topics of our expert whitepaper are:

  • Digital Supply Twin: why OEMs and tier 1 suppliers are no longer able to survive without intelligent supply planning
  • Commodity crisis: supply management in times of disruption
  • Capacity planning 4.0: avoid unnecessary costs through strategic forward planning
  • Supply chain management in the smart factory: lead the way with our software for SCM and APS


Key ingredient data: The factory of the future in the food industry

Food manufacturing operations seem far from bringing the smart factory to life. A recent study among international food companies shows: Only at 35% of the companies has the digital transformation found its way into everyday production after the pilot project.

Read in our whitepaper to find out what Industrie 4.0 means for food production and which trends you need to leverage to build a successful smart factory.


Supply Chain 4.0: The future of the food industry

Food industry supply chains have been and continue to be stressed to the extreme by the Corona pandemic. Overstocked or depleted inventories, supply shortages and plant shutdowns are exacerbating existing specific challenges.

Good supply chain planning, from demand gathering to production planning, is the be-all and end-all. A transparent supply chain not only provides traceability for the end consumer, but also offers decisive advantages for the company. Only if you have a constant insight into your processes and those of your suppliers will you gain an in-depth understanding of the performance of your production and potential for optimisation. Read in our whitepaper how to save millions with digital supply chain approach as a food manufacturer.


Quality Management 4.0: The Future of Food Industry

The term “quality” is too short in many food productions. Good quality does not only refer to the taste experience, but touches practically every corner of production. This is because poor planning, errors in product labelling or poor equipment management also lead to poorer product quality.

A good quality management system helps food manufacturers to comply with various specifications, avoids expensive recalls, possible compensation payments and ultimately protects against a loss of image. Read in our whitepaper how to generate for up to 80% more process efficiency in your production.


Food production 4.0: Intelligent production and logistics processes

Cooperation between the different stakeholders along the food value chain is more important than ever. Product development cycles are getting shorter, specific customer requirements are increasing, quality standards are getting higher and at the same time regulatory pressure on food producers is growing and every single stakeholder has to be responsible and accountable for the procurement, handling and quality control of food.

Numerous food safety directives and regulations require the contribution and cooperation of all stakeholders. Sharing knowledge and data has become the most important aspect to manage this increasing complexity. Read in our whitepaper how to generate business value from challenges in manufacturing and logistics processes.


Industry 4.0: From MES to MOM

Today is the best time to do better than your competition and actively shape your future: Companies with a solid cloud-based data management strategy show 24% higher productivity, have a faster time to market and significant lower operating costs.

Numerous digitisation trends and the dynamics of technological innovations make it difficult to decide which software solutions to use. Added to this is the complexity of production environments, which requires prioritising which processes need to be digitalised first. With a MOM platform based on a microservice architecture, you put your production on a stable digital basis – today and in the future.

Read in our whitepaper why MOM platforms are the solution of the future and which processes you can digitise and link modularly at their pace – for your version of the Smartfactory.


Connected Worker: Employees as enabler of the factory of the future

Whitepager Connected Worker Germanedge

Today is the best time to do better than your competition and actively shape your future: Companies with a solid cloud-based data management strategy show 24% higher productivity, have a faster time to market and significant lower operating costs.

Numerous digitisation trends and the dynamics of technological innovations make it difficult to decide which software solutions to use. Added to this is the complexity of production environments, which requires prioritising which processes need to be digitalised first.  With a MOM platform based on a microservice architecture, you put your production on a stable digital basis – today and in the future.

Read in our whitepaper why MOM platforms are the solution of the future and which processes you can digitise and link modularly at their pace – for your version of the Smartfactory.

Whitepager Connected Worker Germanedge

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