Optimization of the production network

Increase planning security with manufacturing networks

You will have noticed the transformation taking place in the world of production. Classical methods of production and location planning are often insufficient to deal with changes in technology, disruptions, national and supranational regulations.

Manufacturing networks, the connection of individual locally and process-optimized production sites, are the solution to VUKA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) and complexity. Algorithm-based evaluation and real-time display of production data from across locations enable important networking effects.

Optimization of the production network

Manufacturing networks cushion the unpredictabilities and uncertainties for manufacturing companies to a great extent. Changing legal regulations in one country and new disruptive participants in another market are just two small examples of how your company could be affected by two different changes in the market environment at the same time. The central control, planning, and optimization of several locations in a network can cushion these and other changes simultaneously.

Access opportunities for the entire company using advanced algorithms

The connection of several production sites increases (in the first step) the demands on the monitoring data models. Advanced algorithms are able to prepare the controlling for the user. Potential optimization and preventive warning functions are only two of many possible applications for ensuring the optimization of several production sites in one network, even remotely.

New market opportunities can also be generated in time if, for example, a location with favorable production conditions and relatively low delivery costs can compensate for increased demand at the most cost-effective location.

Improve planning security in uncertain times through monitoring

Keeping track of a manufacturing network is a question of state-of-the-art UX/UI design. The aggregation of data and complex data models for different users is an art that Germanedge’s EdgeOne MES/MOM platform masters.

Networks only achieve their full potential if you are able to continuously monitor and have an overview of your processes, flows, and supply chains at all times. Each production site is a node in the network which can be monitored individually, in combination with others or as part the whole.

Get closer to customers and speed up product development with networking

Not only are customers increasingly demanding high quality products, but also faster time-to-market. The cycles are getting shorter and shorter, both for OEMs and suppliers. With a manufacturing network, you are in a position to provide this.

Typical network effects resulting from interconnection, better use of resources, locational advantages (of a cost-regulatory nature) can massively accelerate the introduction of new high-quality products. This also means that you are usually the first to come to mind when your customers want to order new products.

But with EdgeOne we go even further

Manufacturing networks are our answer to an uncertain world. They provide stability in production, and many blue chip companies are already using them today. A network of production sites managed and monitored with our software solutions.

From planning, production, evaluation of location advantages, and algorithm-based evaluation of all production data to delivery to the customer, Germanedge’s EdgeOne MES/MOM platform, with its user-optimized interface, provides all users with exactly the data that is crucial for their respective work, whether they are on the production site or accessing it remotely.

Manufacturing networks are the necessary step for integrating the advantages of global production chains into your daily business. With EdgeOne, you can do that right away.

Get in touch!

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Dominik Weggler
Sales Team Germanedge

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