QM-software: More quality at lower costs

Are you utilising the full potential of your QM? How to minimise your quality costs and promote CIP along the entire process chain.

Quality management (QM) in industry is teamwork. In order to manufacture to specification and in line with customer requirements, everyone involved must pull together. Whether developers, purchasers, suppliers, workers, warehouse staff, service technicians or quality managers.

What is needed is a standard-compliant QM system in which everyone can utilise the knowledge and skills of others. We call this the democratisation of quality management.

Our quality management software Germanedge QMS (formerly: QDA) provides the necessary best practices. As a SaaS-capable CAQ suite, it offers tried-and-tested apps that fulfil your operational requirements precisely – from advance quality planning to measurement data management, test equipment management, statistical process control (SPC), laboratory information management, traceability QM and document management through to complaints management.

Germanedge QMS is fully integrated: As all modules are continuously synchronised with each other, you can organise your QM measures without any media discontinuity and monitor the achievement of set milestones in real time.

In addition, data exchange between measurement technology, QM, MES and ERP can be fully automated. On this basis, you benefit from ever new possibilities to ensure the quality of your products and reduce the necessary process costs.

Advantages of our QM-software

Reduce testing costs by up to 75%

Our QM-software automatically reads your measurement technology and compares all data online with the specification. This minimises your process costs.

Make up to 90% of all test plans superfluous

Only deal with measuring points where our quality management system detects relevant anomalies. Leave the rest out.


100% process reliability

In the event of deviations, our QMS suite initiates effective measures and monitors their implementation. This allows you to get your processes back on track in a timely manner.


Ready for work more quickly

You can customise the Measures Manager without any programming knowledge. For this purpose, you receive a low-code editor with which you can implement customer-specific requirements yourself.

Maximum transparency

The QM system allows you to analyse all processes. You can determine the progress and costs of your measures in real time.

Predictive Quality

Our QM system links all quality data, enriches it with contextual information and uses it to create projections that identify deviations as they arise.


AI-supported recommendation engine

Germanedge QMS combines data analysis with AI-based decision support that provides easily interpretable recommendations.



The QM software also serves as a knowledge repository to identify potential sources of error and their risks. Along the entire production chain.


ROI in less than 18 months

As a rule, our QM-software amortises after 12 to 18 months. This is demonstrated by customer projects from various areas of the manufacturing and process industry.

Rollout in a few days

As a SaaS solution, you can go live with our quality management software within a few days. The apps of our GermanedgeNOW marketplace can even be used directly.

Preserving the value of your measurement technology

We offer several hundred interfaces for the integration of your measuring machines. Legacy systems can also be connected quickly and cost-effectively.

Device-independent working

Germanedge QMS is platform-neutral. Users can use exactly the end devices with which they are already familiar.

Get to know our use cases

Would you like to find out more about QM software based on a user example?

Then read our “Customer use case Windenergy” or our “Customer use case Armaments group tightens quality processes with fully integrated eQMS” and get to know the functions of the software even better.

Our QM-software modules

SPC software: Proactively clarify quality defects!

Germanedge QMS automates statistical process control (SPC). This gives you enough lead time to solve QM problems before they affect production.


Complaint management software: rectify defects and learn from them

An integral part of our QM system is a software app with which you can process complaints in accordance with standards and use the knowledge gained to improve processes.

LIMS software: Synchronise the laboratory with value creation!

In many places, laboratory processes clock the progress of production. The laboratory information management of our QM-software minimises the necessary throughput times.

Test equipment management software: Maximise the benefits of your measurement technology!

With Germanedge QMS you increase the availability of correctly calibrated measuring machines.

Document management: How to create a central knowledge repository!

Control the life cycle of your QM documents in 100% compliance with standards.

Measurement data management software

Network your inspection technology with all the assets of your quality management system!

Integrated advance quality planning: How to dovetail product development, factory planning and QM

Improve the quality of your products and the robustness of your manufacturing processes right from the design phase.


Traceability QM-software: How to automate your traceability processes

When field problems occur, every minute counts. Our traceability solution gives you the transparency you need in real time.

Analysis platform for your entire measurement technology landscape

The SPC solution of our QM-software has an open architecture into which measuring machines and testing devices of all kinds can be integrated. This means that measurement data is recorded fully automatically and in real time. In order to optimise process capability and machine capability, the quality data analysis (QDA) is enriched with suitable metadata such as tolerance limits. You can also assign context data (e.g. temperature curves) to the measured values and analyse the extended data model using machine learning algorithms. In this way, you constantly gain new opportunities to uncover error patterns and proactively eliminate their causes.

Use complaints as a template for the CIP!


Germanedge QMS offers integrated complaints management software for your non-conformity management (NCM). At its core, this is a standard-compliant workflow solution that brings together the appropriate players on an ad hoc basis depending on the complaint. Depending on their function in the value chain, colleagues are provided with exactly the information and workflows they need to solve the problem at hand. Even multi-stage complaints can be reliably resolved. In addition, our quality management system uses every new complaint to derive ideas for the continuous improvement process (CIP) so that you can systematically and effectively avoid repeat errors.


Fully integrated
Laboratory Information Management
system (LIMS)

The laboratory planning function of our LIMS module determines the most economical sequence of all pending test orders. The starting point is the order control of your ERP, with which the LIMS is constantly synchronised. The quantity structure of the production planning thus serves as a guideline for the allocation of laboratory resources. Our detailed planning solution based on this provides you with additional tools to make resource management even more flexible. For example, in the event of unforeseen fluctuations in orders. As soon as the planning has been finalised, the LIMS controls and monitors the test processes defined therein, reacts to deviations and ensures compliance with all standard specifications. In addition, colleagues in production can rely on laboratory approvals being available in good time before the start of a new production batch.

Optimum utilisation of your calibration technology


The test equipment management of our QM-software offers you double added value. Firstly, your maintenance team benefits. They are provided with the necessary planning and control tools to carry out their service measures economically and document them in an audit-proof manner. Secondly, value creation also benefits – whether in incoming goods, in the laboratory, in production or in delivery: every employee working in these areas can be sure at all times that they have correctly calibrated measuring equipment at their disposal, which they can use to verify the quality of the products and reliably and quickly recognise possible deficits.


Web-based, audit-proof document management

The democratisation of QM requires one thing above all: transparency. Our integrated document management system (DMS) plays a key role here. It controls and monitors the entire life cycle of your QM documents. The standard-compliant workflows of the DMS range from document capture, approval and distribution to version control. All status changes are documented in the audit trail. This guarantees 100 per cent audit compliance. This provides you with a valid knowledge repository for your entire value chain. Secure access is provided via an intuitive browser app.

Data acquisition, analysis and workflow management in one system


The measurement data management software from Germanedge QMS allows you to collate and analyse the data from your entire testing technology in a central database. The import of master and transaction data is fully automated. As our measurement data management system has several hundred interfaces and additional integration technologies such as an event bus, you can connect measuring machines of any type at minimal cost.

Flexible analysis tools are available for evaluation and reporting. If the analysis reveals deviations, suitable QM measures are triggered in the respective modules of the Germanedge QMS QM software. A continuous workflow is created to eliminate the current problem in accordance with the standard and to minimise the resulting quality costs.


Quality right from the start

The Germanedge APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) module provides you with advanced quality planning software that your engineering colleagues can use to ensure the quality of their product designs as early as possible. Our software allows them to recognise potential product or process defects before new products go into series production. At its core, Germanedge APQP is a project management solution in which product developers can access the QM knowledge of the entire value chain on a project-related basis and use it to eliminate potential quality problems. This reduces the risk of rejects and rework that could arise in the course of product launches or process adjustments.

Seamless traceability: Minimise your quality costs and strengthen your customer loyalty!


Our traceability QM software allows you to keep an eye on the quality of a delivered product throughout its entire life cycle – from manufacture to distribution. Each product is given a unique label or serial number that can be tracked to obtain information about the place of manufacture, materials used, age and other relevant data.

Potential field problems are thus recognised at an early stage. The time saved allows you to service or take back faulty products at optimal cost. You can also better identify and assess potential risks in the supply chain.

Our product data traceability software offers you the transparency you need to be able to provide your customers with full information at all times. The same naturally also applies to communication with your auditors, whose interest in inspections is also constantly increasing.


Integration of the QM-software

In terms of infrastructure, you have a free choice. You can either use Germanedge QMS in your own data centre as an on-premise solution. Or you can opt for our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering in the private, hybrid or public cloud. For maximum scalability, availability and data security, we recommend using technology-leading cloud hyperscalers such as Amazon, Azure, Google or the German provider IONOS.

Germanedge QMS synchronises with your entire system environment. This ensures comprehensive bidirectional data exchange along the entire value chain. Integration begins with the master and order data from your CAD, PDM, ERP and SCM systems, continues with the process data from machine control and robotics and extends to the connection of your measurement technology.

What’s more: In many companies, the majority of QM-relevant data comes from suppliers. Our open system architecture makes it possible for you to integrate your suppliers into the quality management system in line with roles and standards. For example, via lean portal solutions. Supplier data is transmitted via specially secured Internet connections.

What is quality management software (QM software)?


QM software supports companies in fulfilling the quality requirements of their markets in a standardised and customer-oriented manner. It offers a communication and analysis platform on which the various stakeholders in the QM process receive exactly the information they need to fulfil their current tasks. Suitable user interfaces and workflow processes are also part of the QM software. In addition, there are dashboards that can be used to control, monitor and analyse ongoing QM measures across the company. Controlling takes a look at both throughput times and quality costs.

What tasks does QM software perform?

The bidirectional integration of all IT and OT systems in which data required for the planning and control of quality processes is generated is fundamental. This takes place along the entire value chain from development, procurement and production to delivery and customer service. As the QM software fully maps the product life cycle, quality problems can be recognised at an early stage and rectified at the lowest possible quality costs. The QM knowledge generated during troubleshooting is documented in an audit-proof manner and is available across all departments for continuous process improvement.

What should quality management systems be able to do?

As QM requirements differ depending on the industry, business area, value-added position and size of the company, QM software should have a modular structure. In this way, lean and agile solutions can be created that precisely map the specific needs of the user companies. The spectrum of modules that can be used ranges from advance quality planning, measurement data management and test equipment management through statistical process control, laboratory information management and traceability QM to the areas of document management and complaints management.

Who benefits from the use of QM software?

All participants in the value chain benefit from the cross-divisional development and utilisation of QM knowledge. Customers also benefit. The 20 most important business added values are

  • Fewer rejects
  • Less rework
  • Fewer returns or recalls
  • Fewer (especially less serious) complaints
  • Early detection of quality problems
  • Faster and therefore more cost-effective rectification of defects
  • Lower quality costs
  • Deeper analysis view (times and costs)
  • Lower compliance costs
  • Nevertheless, greater ability to provide information to customers, auditors and supervisory authorities
  • Lower risk of reputational damage
  • Better fulfilment of the brand promise
  • Higher customer satisfaction / stronger customer loyalty
  • Higher profitability of production goods
  • Higher degree of utilisation of existing IT/OT systems
  • Higher productivity of measurement technology incl. calibration technology
  • Higher productivity of laboratory operations
  • Higher employee productivity
  • Higher employee satisfaction
  • Additional ideas for the CIP

Get in touch!

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Ludmila Lebedev
Sales Team Germanedge

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