Schlauer Raum Blog

Why the future of production cannot succeed without a MOM platform

A software for the shop floor. A system for warehouse management. An evaluation tool for complaints. A separate software solution for each supplier. All with their own user interface. Sounds super digital. And it actually is. But not necessarily efficient and forward-looking. To really transform the available data into smart data, more is needed than silo-like piece-by-piece digitisation. It needs a MOM platform.

All the advantages that arise from automation and new technologies can only be exploited if the digitalisation strategy follows an integrated, orchestrated approach. The reason for this is obvious: if the shop floor does not know what is happening in the warehouse and the warehouse does not know when which deliveries are coming in, every individual tool, no matter how intelligent, will be of no use. Except annoyance, additional costs and extra work.

Manufacturing Operation Management (MOM) solutions act as a kind of intelligent data hub. They link different production processes and enable seamless communication. In contrast to pure Manufacturing Execution System (MES) solutions, MOM focuses not only on production control, but on the entire business process of a production.

MOM Application Suites for smart data use

MOM Application Suites offer a modular, scalable, and thus flexible solution to provide information in real time – across departmental boundaries. The term “suites” refers to a collection of different partial production solutions. This expands the conventional MES to include processes of production planning, resource management, quality management and the analysis of production data.

Thus, MOM platforms not only enable the collection of data on the individual manufacturing processes, but they are also able to convert this data into context-related information. Analysis options make the information interpretable and usable for other systems.

This makes MOM solutions the epitome of fully integrated digitalisation of production and an indispensable means to remain competitive in the future. Without data synchronisation and smart data analysis across the entire manufacturing process, productions will inevitably reach the point where the existing amount of data exceeds their capabilities and existing potential can no longer be used.

So don’t wait for the moment when you start chasing digitalisation and your competitors. Decide today to actively shape your future. Find out here how you can take your production to the next level of digitalisation and become more future-proof.