Schlauer Raum Blog

Swimming in the data sea: These 5 data analytics trends are making waves

Data that is not used is worthless. But not all data analytic is the same. From both a technological and a strategic perspective, companies need to constantly check their status quo to ensure it is up to date.

Data enables orientation and forms the basis for analytical decisions in production. For this, however, it is necessary to optimise data collection and evaluation so that the right insights are actually generated. With the mass of information that exists in the deep pool of a production environment, this is no simple undertaking.

Data management and analytics, like any other technology, is subject to ever-shorter innovation cycles. But only paying attention to the software is too short-sighted in the long term. Numerous trends and framework conditions influence the handling of data.

1. Fishing from elsewhere: In the fishing net of data privacy

Considering the increasingly strict framework conditions for data management, such as the GDPR, companies can quickly make mistakes when collecting data. In the production environment, personal data is mainly found in the area of shift logs and in maintenance management. Especially in the international environment, different regulations often apply. Companies should therefore anchor the topic of data privacy centrally in the digitisation strategy from the very beginning and also carry out regular checks to ensure that the status quo also corresponds to the latest requirements.

2. Data ahead: Increasing data literacy

The term “data literacy” refers to a general understanding regarding the role of data in the company as well as further training of employees in dealing with it. This can ensure that all employees involved pursue a common goal and data silos are avoided – not only at the technological level in terms of an integrated software solution, but also in the minds of the employees.

3. On board: Data access for all

In order to do justice to the previous aspect, the data must be accessible to all employees who can benefit from it. This so-called data democratisation breaks down the notion that data analysis is a management issue. Cloud systems facilitate this approach and the visualisation of data via an intuitive dashboard makes the data understandable even for non-data scientists. This facilitates the use of data as a helpful tool in everyday business.

4. On a dive: Predictive instead of prescriptive

While many production companies use data analysis primarily to describe the status quo, the trend is clearly moving towards predictive rather than prescriptive. Because combined with a self-learning algorithm, data can do more than just show how the past was and how the present is. By showing possible future scenarios, data empowers people to make optimised decisions.

5. Data biotope: Symbioses instead of silos

Production processes are complex and consist of numerous individual processes – but they are mutually dependent. Depending on the current level of digitalisation, it can undoubtedly be difficult to set up every process equally well in terms of data analysis. There is also nothing to be said against optimising piece by piece – as long as there is a basic understanding that silo-like approaches are not future-oriented, and the digitisation strategy is set up in a correspondingly scalable manner.

Swim instead of just drifting

Only those who know their goal and actively work towards it will be successful. What sounds so simple is often not so easy in everyday business. Because with the many small construction sites that open up every day, it is still necessary to keep an eye on the big picture. This is exactly what one of the biggest technological trends makes possible: platform solutions instead of silo software. An integrated platform solution makes it possible to act in a scalable and modular way right from the start, without the risk of creating silos. If you then also rely on a solution that puts people at the centre through intuitive, appealing and simple usability, you are equipped for all the trends mentioned above – and make it easier for employees to do their daily work through intelligent data analysis.

Platform solutions are the future of data management. Learn more here about the possibilities that platform software offers for your production!

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