Learn more about Germanedge

Our events and webinars

Let us create the future of digital production together and unleash the potential of MOM, IIoT and Industry 4.0! Learn more about our product portfolio, our PaaS EdgeOne and the big trend topics on the future of production in our various events and webinars. We want to actively accompany you on your journey and show you possibilities how your production can be designed with maximum efficiency at any time throughout the entire production cycle.

On Demand Webinar

The 5 supply chain management trends in f&b you need to prepare for

Food industry supply chains have been and continue to be stressed to the extreme – not only since the Corona pandemic. Not only overstocked or depleted inventories, supply shortages and plant shutdowns are exacerbating existing specific challenges that characterize the food industry. Thus, consumer products companies need to adapt and use current key trends for their advantage in order to provide answers to the rising requirements of their industry.

Listen to our Germanedge scm experts in our 1h webinar recording and learn how supply managers and leaders in the F&B industry can prepare their production and planning for the future using five key trends. Just fill out the form, get access to our our free webinar and be ahead of the competition!

Webinar On Demand

Expert Talk on Connected Worker with CEO Christian von Stengel

Expert Talk Connected Worker_Germanedge

Our first Germanedge Online Expert Talk with our CEO Christian von Stengel about the concept of the Connected Worker on demand!

Questions that are e.g. discussed there are: How do you imagine the future of production? How do you see employees and machines interacting together in your factory of the future? Investments in new technologies and intelligent machines are only one side of a successful production of the future. How ready are you and your employees for work in the factory of the future? What role do people play in the future of production? What is behind the term “Conntected Worker”? And what do you need to pay attention to along the way?


Expert Talk Connected Worker_Germanedge

Webinar On Demand

Digital Shop Floor Management


Produce more efficiently, increase OEE and at the same time better equip and network the shop floor staff! With our dSFM solution, your shop floor management meeting and all resulting measures are transformed into a continuous digital-based process.

Learn more about digital shop floor management in our 40-minute webinar recording by dSFM expert Christoph Schiffer and take a look at the EdgeOne platform.


Webinar On Demand

Supplier Quality

No more complaints about the quality of your product! Solve problems with your supplier before they arise!

Learn in our 25-minute webinar recording by QDA Solutions Founder and supply management expert Sven Tetzlaff how cloud-based supplier management can help you keep your promise of high product quality while saving stress and time.

Do you have questions about Germanedge’s events and webinars? Then please contact us via the contact form.

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